📄️ 3-in-1 Laser Cutter, CNC Mill, & 3D Printer
During my fall 2017 and spring 2018 semesters at Rowan University, I helped develop a 3-in-1 laser cutter, CNC mill, and 3D printer, referred to as the “modular fabrication system,” as part of a multidisciplinary team of 12 engineering students.
📄️ Compact Solar Solar Air Heater
During my fall 2017 semester at Rowan University, a fellow engineering student and I were tasked with designing, constructing, and optimizing a solar air heater capable of fitting inside a 24″ x 18″ x 18″ rectangular prism as part of our Thermal-Fluid Sciences I course. The overall goal of the project was to maximize two of the following three parameters: temperature rise from ambient (inlet) conditions to outlet temperature (△T), average total heat flow generated (dQ/dt), and average overall efficiency of conversion of solar energy flow to sensible heat flow (η). For our solar air heater, we chose to focus on achieving the highest temperature change from ambient conditions (△T) and average total heat flow generated (dQ/dt).
📄️ Differential Gearbox
During my fall 2017 semester at Rowan University, a team of 3 other mechanical engineering students and I designed and
📄️ Double-Acting Air Engine
Near the end of my fall 2017 semester at Rowan University, three mechanical engineering students and I designed, fabricated, and optimized a double-acting pneumatic engine as part of our Thermal-Fluid Sciences I course. The criteria and constraints of the project were as follows:
📄️ Tesla Turbine
During my fall 2017 semester, Rowan University's American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) student chapter decided to hold a Tesla turbine design competition. Excited by the prospect of pitting my design skills against my fellow engineering students, I jumped at the opportunity to design my own Tesla turbine…
📄️ Clausius Android App
In December 2017, I volunteered to begin developing an Android version of Clausius, an iOS app developed by Austin Carrig in collaboration with my thermal fluid-sciences professor, Dr. Smitesh Bakrania. Clausius is a visual and intuitive app enabling the user to acquire the thermodynamic properties of water for a specified thermodynamic state with just the touch of a finger.
📄️ Aerodynamic Efficiency of a Semi-Trailer Truck
During my spring 2018 semester at Rowan University, a fellow mechanical engineering student and I were tasked with creating a project of our choice involving some kind of fluid flow analysis for Thermal-Fluid Sciences II. As such, we decided to do a theoretical investigation of the aerodynamic efficiency of a typical semi-trailer truck as compared to one retrofitted with more aerodynamic features.